100 % Carbonic Fertilizer : FERTISOIL

“Revolutionize Plant Nutrition with FERTISOIL: 100% Pure Carbonic Fertilizer for Unparalleled Growth and Soil Health”


N:.5;P:.5;K:.5; Consortia

Seed Treatment: 3-5gm / kg seed, Soil application-5-10Kg / Acre as mix ; Split appliation – 3-5Kg / Acre as mix; Drenching-1-2 gm/Lt water

PER ACRE DOSE: Vegetables-5 to 10 kg, S.Cane,Grapes, Berries-10 to 25 kg

COMPATIBILITY: Can be mixed with any of the chemical fertilizers improving its efficacy for the plant’s absorption.


PURE CARBONIC FERTILIZER improves manifold soil health, soil fertility, and a healthy environment for plants. It is comprised of billions of effective microorganisms being made through the microbial transformation of organic compounds by the microbial inoculums/CFU’s which multiplies manifold the microbial assets of the soil and converts the organic and inorganic matter into soluble foods for plants. Fertisoil is dark brown in color, bulky, odorless; free-flowing, and free from live weeds, seeds, and harmful pathogens.


• It is much better a fertilizer than Di-Ammonium Phosphate • Coating Seed with Fertisoil for better Seed Germination • Its application makes root long and leaf large. • Fertisoil reverses the adverse effect of chemical fertilizers & pesticides and Improves the Soil Fertility • It controls the Soil-born Diseases, Pathogens & Pests.

Carbonic Fertilizer : FERTISOIL