Leaf eating caterpillars in Banana

Leaf eating caterpillars in Banana
Tissue Cultured

Leaf eating caterpillars in Banana

Hairy caterpillar, Pericallia ricini (Fabricius), Asuraila Moore, Creatonotus gangis Linn, Diacrisia oblique (Walker), Euproctis fraterna Moore, Eupterote geminata Walker cause considerable injury to the leaves. Leaf rollers, bag worms, slug caterpillars and tobacco caterpillar (Spodoptera litura Fab. ) are some of the minor lepidopterous pest feeding on banana leaves.


  • Hand picking and mechanical destruction of caterpillars in early stage of attack.
  • In case of sever infestation; spray Endusulfan 35 EC @ 2ml/l or Carbaryl 50 WP @ 4g/l during rainy season when incidence is noticed.
  • Remove and destroy the rolled leaves with larvae and pupae of leaf rollers.

Cultural control:

  • Collect and destroy egg masses and caterpillars
  • Use burning torch to kill the congregating larvae
  • Summer ploughing to expose to the pupae.
  • Grow repellant plants: Ocimum/basil
  • Attractant plants: Carrot family, sunflower family, buckwheat, alfalfa, corn, shrubs (minute pirate bug & lacewing)
  • Nectar rich plants with small flowers i.e anise, caraway, dill, parsley, mustard, sunflower, buckwheat and cowpea (Braconid wasp)


Mechanical control:

  • Hand pick and destroy the egg masses and caterpillars
  • Collect and destroy the damaged plant parts.
  • Use pheromone @ 4-5 traps/acre.
  • Use light trap to attract and kill the adults.

Biological control:

  • Field release of egg parasitoids such as Telenomus spodopterae, T. remus
  • Encourage the activity of larval parasitoids Ichneumon promissorius, Carcelia spp., Campoletis chlorideae
  • Pupal parasitoids such as Ichneumon sp etc.
  • Predators such as Chrysoperla zastrowi sillemi, Coccinellids, King crow, Braconid wasp, dragonfly, spider, robber fly, reduviid bug, praying mantis, red ants.

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