Nature of Damage:
- Nematode causes reddish-brown to black, elongated lesions which are readily seen when the roots are split open. Roots eventually blacken and die.
- Attacks by nematodes, combined with the effects of secondary rot organisms, destroy or weaken much of the root system.
- Infested plants lack vigor and fruiting is poor.
- Such plants are readily blown over and the roots are exposed.
The infected banana plants show yellowing initially which later on appear stunted as the nematode populations increase. Later, the nematodes enter into the rhizomes also and are transmitted to healthy field. Severe infestation cause root decay and at the time of fruit bearing, the plants collapse even with slight winds.
A: Cultural methods:
- Fallowing for three months after banana harvest effectively suppressed the burrowing nematode population, while flood fallowing for five months destroyed not only burrowing nematode but also Fusarium sp.
- Oil cakes of Neem, Mahua, Castor, Karanji etc. have shown special potential in reducing the nematodes.
- Application of neem cake @ 400 g/plant
- Crop rotation with paddy, sugarcane, green gram, cotton or turmeric suppressed the nematode population and increased the yield.
- Leaf extracts of Glyricidia
- Inter-cropping of banana with Crotalaria juncea was found to reduce R. similes with better growth and yield.
- The use of nematode-free planting material on uninfested land
- Trim the corm tissue until all black or discolored spots have been removed, leaving only clean white tissues
- Wash corms in running water, and allow them to dry before planting
- Submerge trimmed suckers for 20-25 minutes in hot water at 53-54°C.
- Grow nematode resistant varieties
- The planting tools should be cleaned before being used in the field
- Well decomposed manure should be used
- Crop rotation with non host crops
- Grow marigold in the inter space which serves as repellent and trap crop
- Covering the field for 6 to 8 weeks with plastic after tilling and watering raises the soil temperature.
B: Chemical Control:
Application of Furadan 3G @ 20 gms or Phorate 10g @ 12 gms or neem cake @ 1/2 Kg. per pit at planting.